Sunday, December 29, 2013

HWC Christmas 2013

Well, what can I say, except 2013 is coming to an end...
I haven't seen cool vistas, strange landscapes, potholes from hell, psychotic truck drivers, roadkill ghosts,  or crazy town images for a while now. 

Being stuck on top of this tree seems somehow fitting. ...
What an insult to finish an otherwise pointless year. 
I MUST get back on the road before it's too late!...

Like being moved down to a lower limb is gonna fix things!
  Exmas is for fools!

Mainline Trail LSCR North Van

OMG! Not only am I stuck in a bloody tree, but Bossman is out and about with Terry.
Trek aint got nothin on Shirley! Aaaarrrgghhhh!!!
It's like "A Christmas Carol" but without everything plus a bike!!

Highwaycat and I are currently experiencing some "Cabin Fever" symptoms. 
The 5 Celsius plus rain is a "Game over scenerio"
No, it's not the minus 30 of Alberta, but...Blah Blah Blah. I need not explain myself!!

Happy New Yeer all of Yewwsss!!(Archie Bunker)

May the pedals of progress turn slowly and effectively. Or just friggin turn for 2014!!!