Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Hot Toast

DAY 7, 
Mon, July 25, 2016                    Vernon to Kamloops
Dist. 110km, Time, 5:17, Avg spd, 20.8 km, Calories, 2526, HR Avg, 112 bpm.

I got the most out of the free breakfast that I could. I was so pissed off that I bailed and got this expensive motel that I should maximize the stay. I won't bore you with the details. Lets just say that I ate more than everyone in that lobby. Yes, even Jimbo the trucker in the corner.
      I took the "Old Kamloops Hwy" out of town. This route took me past that Gem of a campground known as Swan Lk. 😠 ! Anyway, I was bypassing 10 km of traffic which was nice. (except for the local pickup trucks)
Once I dumped out onto Highway 97 N, I found a sense of relief. The road surface was perfect and the shoulder was generous. This allowed me to cover distance without concern. Vernon is a nice small city but lacks the funding for roads that bigger cities may have. Not a great place to ride.
Got myself a sandwich for later in the small town of Falkland. As I rode along the quiet #97 for a while, my bladder started talking to me. I rode on for an uncomfortable amount of time trying to find a prime pee place. Nothing. Farm fields to my left and cliff wall to my right. No trees. Aaargh!
Finally found a spot at Monte Lk. Feewwwww!
        Merging from the 97 onto Hwy 1 was a bizarre feeling. There was this crazy decent and as I flew down to Hwy 1 level, the temperature increased. It was sooo weird. My environment became a lot hotter, faster and louder. My speed accelerated as there were no hills and there was a bit of a tail wind. As I approached Kamloops I was scanning for motels along the parallel access rd. I was feeling lazy, so I picked one that seemed to have amenities within crawling distance. Turned out to be one of the crappiest motels ever. $50.00. The place smells bad, there is terrible lighting and generally creepy. I guess that some people live here. There is a guy next door that seems to be running some sort of wood working business? I don't know, he seems to be running some sort of wood working tool like a dremel. Annoying as hell. Seems fitting though. At least there isn't an old lady stuffing squirrel carcasses with taxidermy material.
 while cranking Elvis.
I was so hot and toast that I crashed on the crappy rocking chair. Finally got my sorry ass outside to see whats up. Was in a bad mood, so I went to Tims for Joe and some doodle time. Got pissed off at the idiot staff and also a loud family that set up beside me. Had to leave before my patience limiter reached critical. Ended up pushing Shirley around with hot coffee in the hot sun while looking for a quiet place away from annoying life forms. Found one.
Looking forward to tomorrow.

Heading out

Eats come from here

Affordable Housing

Relax zone

Great conditions for forward movement

Hot as hell but happy to dial some velocity

No Grand Slam Breakfast here anytime soon.

Hammer Fest

The trash you settle for when yer trashed...

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