Thursday, July 7, 2011

Bearing Down On P.E.I...

Day 50 Daigle Camp - Murray Beach Prov. Park N.B.
Dist, 136 km, 20.7 km/hr, Saddle Time, 6:34
July 6 2011'
Today was a tough ride. Very hot and windy. I took the main highway ( #11) to Bouetouche then the scenic 134 to Cap-Pele where I picked up the #15. The 134 was a crappy ride. By the time I reached Shediac, I was pretty pissed from the bad roads and selfish motorist behaviour. Lots of goofs in pickup trucks. I wonder if a person who yells at a cyclist from the safety of a car would do the same if they were on foot ? Not to me they wouldn't !!  Normally, I would let ignorant behaviour bounce off my shoulders, but I guess that the heat, bad blacktop and my fatigue weakened my "Idiot force field".  Motorists can be selfish and ignorant... And childish. Oh yeah, and _______  !
The road to Murray Corner was an old quiet farm route that twisted through a barren landscape. It was a very cool change of scenery and road mechanics. There was very tall grass lining this quiet road making it a strange but peaceful experience. Ya had to be there. I came upon "Murray Corner" (at least, I think I did) it must be the smallest town I've ever seen. There's a gas station and a church of sorts. I was thinking of the TV show "Corner Gas" This place has even less going on.
Arriving at Murray Beach Park was exciting and a big relief.
The shoreline was extremely windy, but I picked a site here anyway. I had a hard time sleeping as the wind had me worried about tent destruction.  I was fortunate to find a site with a couple tiny trees that I could tie into.  Mosquitos had become trapped between the fly and the tent as the wind had pressed them tight. This campground had a small separate forest area, but most of the sites were on an open grass field spread across a wide hill overlooking the "Northumberland Strait" ( the portion of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence that divides New Brunswick and PEI).
Road art
A brief stint off the main route. 505
This is how I look much of the time
Nice, despite the crosswind 

Leaving Bouctouche(I think) to Shediac. 

Shediac Lobster @ the  tourist the center. Too many tourists occupying the prime photo vantage point. So I took this pic. Terrible viewpoint, but I don't have time to wait or the attitude to push my way through. Well... I have the attitude, just not the Neanderthal Brain. 
The first female Premier of New Brunswick

The town Butcher (Mayor)
A strip of tourism shacks for Shediac
Idle hands...
Back on some coastal coasting. A fine tail wind here. Sweet.
My turnoff
I love this sign
Country road to Murray Beach...Very cool indeed. A happy change from the usual tarmac ! Not a soul to be seen...
The grass and flowers were so high at one point that I thought of taking a pic while riding. It doesn't convey the feeling that I was hoping for, but you get the idea, perhaps. Looks like an album cover for "The Byrds"
House that "Windy" built
Murray Beach P.P... Nice.

HWC approved
An interesting site. Lovely grass, unfortunately, the wind off the Northumberland Straight was intense. These nice little Pine trees offered fine anchorage for the top portion of my tent. Impossible to light my stove, so I found non-cook "food" in the form of vacuum sealed sandwiches from the only  retail nearby.  That was an odd experience as well. 

Crazy Beach Beasties. Northumberland Strait.  HWC wanted to go skim-boarding. "Impossible !" I said. She was angry all evening
My job is to be happy. That's it. And my position has bin axed ! Grrr...Purrr...Huh ?
Thinking of pizza
The end of this day... What lies ahead ? A really big bridge... Awesome !

View Larger Map Very interesting day. Camping near the Confederation Bridge was the plan...

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