Friday, June 24, 2011


Day 36, Espalona - Verner
Dist, 146km, 19.9km/hr, Saddle Time 7:20 
06 22 2011
A nasty day of :
Headwind, Driving Rain, Harsh Traffic, Crappy Road and annoying Construction.
I was really hoping to roll into North Bay, but bailed in Verner. It was a tough decision to stay here as it is a bleak desolate cruddy point on the highway. I didn't really appreciate just how hard it was raining until I got off my bike to ask questions at the local cruddy pathetic gas station/cafe and local hang out. The locals were looking at me with either astonishment, or ridicule and attempting to brighten my misery with a smattering of humour. why are Locals so F***ing  LOCAL ? As I headed back to Shirley, looking at the horrid conditions, I found myself dragging my ass more than usual. With my motivation level locked in at -666, I headed out, but in a trance-like state. After rolling slowly and wobbly for about a kilometre I stopped and stared at the horizon line and vanishing point of this evil road and said... "AAAAARRRGGGHHHH !" (universal word to convey disappointment)  
After a couple minutes I swallowed my pride and did a very rare "U-Turn"and headed back to the creepy Motel I saw earlier. I couldn't believe how easy it was to ride West !!
Having that physical verification made me angry. "Why the Hell am I Heading East anyway if the winds are in my face the whole bloody time?!"  I'm certain that all the Eastbound riders would agree that riding west is effortless and we are all very jealous. My turn will come, I hope like Hell.
Anyway, there was nobody in the office at this gloomy Stephen King, Pet Cemetery-Like Motel, so I rang the bell.(there was a phone # scribbled on paper, but I didn't know the Damn area code) A door a few rooms down had opened and a little old lady appeared. "I can help you" she said in "Old Lady Voice". I said " Oh... K". I followed her reluctantly into her little world. While she was calling the boss (probably her daughter) I scanned the tiny room. It was filled with tacky religious nick nacks and Icons. I felt like I had entered the set of a bad horror movie. She succeeded in summoning the chief, and I was all set.
My room was gross.Very bad fix er upper. Looked like it had been maintained by someone without money or eyesight. And it smelled weird, but it got me out of that nasty weather bomb.

Enjoy these pics, keep in mind however that I never include shots depicting the worst weather conditions as this would certainly ruin my camera. This is true throughout the whole trip.

Early quick break. Couldn't resist the rare shelter. 
Wind power. Not today though.

A good stretch...
These are often placed in odd locations. I dont know what they mean or what it costs tax payers to hire the Government worker to install these. I'm not upset, really...
Sketch of my encounter with the old lady from room 6

"The Saphire Inn"

Don't let the Lovely flowers deceive you...
Highwaycat is not impressed

Lovely ceiling detailing
Interesting assortment of furniture and design

Simply luxurious and cozy
Lovely shade of orange.

The result of a very wet cold day of riding

Morning agenda planning

View Larger Map    May not be totally accurate. Miserable weather day anyway.

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