Saturday, June 18, 2011


Day 31, Schreiber - White Lake Provincial Park
Dist 152 km, Avg 19 km/hr, Saddle time, 8:00 hr

06 17 2011,

A long day of hills and headwinds. It took me almost 5 brutal hours to get to "Marathon"(only 90 km). GRRRRRR !
I stopped at a gas station here to try and decide what to do. The song "Should I Stay or Should I go" by the Clash comes up a lot in my head. "On the Road Again" also, but at a diferrent time of day. Highwaycat has no input. The next town is another 90 km. And Marathon is 5 km off the highway down a steep hill to the lake. This is not an attractive option. I didnt feel like fighting anymore. I'm torn.
I noticed another cyclist by the restaurant. I chatted with him for a while. He was headed to Vancouver where he starts a new job. I forgot his name, so, I'll call him Anthony. Nice lad for sure. I dont think he likes his "Ortlieb Pannier" top loading system. He was complaining that it's hard to find anything. I told him of my dilemma. My "Arkels" have too many pockets and I cant find anything either. Difference is, my Panniers are more expensive. D'oh ! We both spent a lot of time eating and fiddling with our stuff. I don't know about "Anthony", but I wasn't super excited about continuing. I had been assaulted by headwinds all day and was sick and tired of it. I made my decision to forge ahead as this was my only real option. We both pulled away simultaneously and pointed our bikes in opposite directions.
The geography fom this point has changed and became more ridiable as I pulled away from the pond a bit. This helped, but I was ready to call it a day. Finally, I came upon "White Lake Prov Park. I decided to stop here as the town of white River was another 35 km. This camp was further off the highway than I am happy with. Oh well.
This is the most expensive camping so far. Almost $40:00, and I have to buy my own drinking water. The campground is large, and the sites could hold Aircraftcarriers . This makes the cost to me that much more ridiculous to me as my footprint is not much greater than that of a standard human coffin.
By comparison, the site at "Whiteshell National Park" Manitoba was $11:00.
Not more than 10 friggin seconds after stopping at my site that I realized that this was the "North American centre for Mosquito Freedoms and Rights" I was instantly invaded and conquered by MOSQUITOS FROM HELL !!

Anyway, I'm fit for battle.
Srew You Onario !!

"Dead, They're all Dead Dave"
"I smell the Fish"

"Anthony" rides to Vancouver ! "on his English bike. Nice lad.
Highwaycat says "Stop Here"
my $40.00 site Mosquitos free of charge.
Me, doing something important...

Reminds me of my younger days. Sorry Ranger Rick. 

Camp road to my mosquito ranch. Wee, Haw !
Too many evil little demons stealing my blood

Safe in my tent

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