Well, what can I say, it's been an interesting (and very expensive) 60 days. I just wanted to thank the thousands of followers who gave me all the mental support needed to get across Canada from coast to coast. OK, maybe less than a thousand. OK, less than 11. Anyway, I will spend a little time going back to previous posts and fixing some of the spelling errors ( yes I suck at spelling, writing too) And adding wordage (I just invented that word). Also, I will input more photos. I have many photos to choose from.
I found it very difficult to marry Cycling and Blogging but in hindsight, I'm glad that I took the time. I learned a lot and will hopefully apply this knowledge to future trips.
I have put together a list of stats...
This compilation of numbers and names describe my trip.
(the important stuff is accurate, alas, some of the other stuff may not be entirely right)
Total Riding Distance --------------------------------------8083 km
Point to Point Dist. ------------------------------------------7737km
Avg. daily ride. -----------------------------------------------133.4 km
Total Saddle Time -------------------------------------------372 hours (15.5 days)
Trip Duration -------------------------------------------------64 Days
Ride Duration -------------------------------------------------58 Days (6 rest days)
Longest Day --------------------------------------------------224 km. 12 hours (day 42)
Shortest Day --------------------------------------------------31 km. Last Day
Tenting ---------------------------------------------------------24 Days
Moteling -------------------------------------------------------35 Days
Free Stay ------------------------------------------------------4 Days
Hostel ----------------------------------------------------------1 Day
Ferry ------------------------------------------------------------ 4 (5 if you count my move to Van. Isl.)
Sightings :
ANIMALS : Black Bear, Elk, Moose, Raptors, Seagulls, Blackbirds,Cats, Dogs, Psycho Bird
Roadkill- many souls
Other Bike Tourists: --------------------------------------10 (probably a few more)
Harleys ----------------------------------------------------26,000
The Awfuls : ( Nasty stuff only) Loses :
2 Flats, 1 shoe, 1 knife, 1 Heart Monitor. Grrrr.
Hills: ---- 4 1 pair of cycling gloves
Motels - -3
Camp - --2
Humans - 5
Weather - 7 Days
Road - ----5 Days
BC. Amazing/Great
AL. Awesome
SA. Huge, Boring
Man. Crappy as Hell
ON. Brutal
PEI. Both N/A
NS. Lovely
NL. Awesome/Awful
Best province... Quebec
Worst.... Ontario
( Manitoba lost to Ontario because it is a much shorter ride. Ontario was endless )
HWC enjoys the safe environment of the LSCR, North Vancouver
Highwaycat rides again.
Yes, Shirley, HWY Cat, me, and a couple special guests share the Oregon tarmac this summer.
Stay tuned...