Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Day 22, Minnedosa - Portage La Prairie
(Est. Stats} Dist, 149 km, Avg spd, 18 k/hr, Saddle time 8:00 Erased damn Odometer again ( If I accidantly press it  down for 1 second, it resets.) It's a great device, I'm not used to it's volatility yet
06 08 2011

Sunny Day !! Unfortunately the day was trashed by WIND again. Crosswind and Headwind alongwith cruddy road conditions. Long stretches with little or no shoulder and getting tossed around by rigs. This ride is truly a "Highway to Hell". Bon Scott would probably agree.
The last 60 km saw some Tailwind ! Amazing. Near Portage, the Hwy 16 merged with the #1. My slight shoulder had now bin transformed abruptly into a non-shoulder and the traffic had become Rabid.  The last 5 km or so was a "Final Destination" episode. I was extremely worried. I HATE this province.
Once in town, I asked about accommodations . The girl at the gas station said, "there is camping about 2 miles out". So I rode about 6 km and didn't see anything. Do I go another km or turn back now knowing that I've just added 12 km of empty kilometres? I hate these situations. And they happen often. I love this line, "Oh it's just up the road!" What does that even mean ? On a bike, everything needs a high level of accuracy. Car people are so stupid arn't they ?
Pissed off, I turned and headed back to town where I saw a "Free Wi Fi " sign outside a motel.... Done.
Manitoba won this battle, but the war is far from over...

My Lovely 20 second wind break
Lots of these
What the hell ?

I've never seen so much unwanted water... Terrible

Big stuff
Good Cycling in Manitoba...
To the common folk, this may seem fine, however, on a loaded touring bicycle this is a nightmare.
Bad enough for me to stop and take this pic. I was furious. I hate Manitoba. Hate. How can Saskatchewan and Manitoba be so different ? Politics. I miss Sask. 

Quality #1 for Manitoba

Anything will do, even this crudville. Sick and tired of this nightmare province.

I give up and find home here, too angry to continue. This was a new building with big ambition, but almost vacant. Really weird structure for this old small town

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  1. At least you were only passing through Manitoba and didn't make the mistake of moving here from somewhere more civilized.

    I stumbled across your page and remembered wondering the same things that you posted with your pics. Now that my child has got the medical help he needed, we're never coming back to this province.

    Btw, what's the best province for bicycle paths?

  2. Hey idiot - there was a flood when you were riding through our province.

    Winnipeg has sucked almost all of the resources from our province, which is why the infrastructure sucks. And that one shot is an overpass which was condemned. Stick to the cities, my hipster want to be friend.

    And fuck you.

  3. Yup Manitoba sucks big time.

  4. As someone who has lived in Manitoba for 18 years, I can 100% confirm it seriously blows. The weather sucks, it's flatter than a piece of paper, there's fuck-all to do unless you like fishing (which I fucking detest), taxes are high, governments broke (yet still keeps building shit museums in Winnipeg), roads are horrendous, economy stinks, it floods in spring, hits -45 in winter, humid as hell in summer, and for 2 weeks a year we get decent fall weather. If you can handle some truly depressing towns and insane people, the northern half of the province tends to offer more interesting scenery and terrain, but I hope you're okay with the distinct possibility of being stabbed and robbed.

    Essentially, there is zero reason to move to Manitoba. Personally I want to leave this province in my rear-view mirror and never fucking return, but both my family and my in-laws live here so for now I just have to sit and fume constantly about how fucking shit things are here. I know this is an old blog post, but I'm leaving this here for posterities sake, so anyone who reads it can be warned to only use Manitoba as a place to stop on your way to somewhere better.
