Tuesday, June 28, 2011

""Vive Le Quebec !!"

Day 42, Binks Castle, Ottawa - Joliette Hotel, Joliette Quebec
Dist. 224 km, Avg. 21.9 km/hr, Saddle Time  12 Hours

Tues June 28

My morning started with a nice breakfast prepared by Queen Anna. Despite working the late shift, she was up early to feed me and see me off ( Damn Greek women !) as King David headed out the door to his real life "Dilbert" cartoon strip occupation. HWC and Calpurnia were exchanging E Mail addresses.
The weather was stellar as I headed out along the Rideau River Multi use trail system towards Hull Que. After crossing the "Jacques Cartier Bridge" I stopped to take a pic or 2 and tried to find out how to get off the highway and onto the bike trail. I ended up having to drag Shirley over a concrete barrier. "Do'h !" She's not one to be Dragged let me tell you !
Once on the trail, I met 2 roadies that were very excited to see me and learn of my grand travels thus far. Turns out that they were from Kanata and were out on a ride. Kanata is, maybe 25 km Westish of Parliament Hill. Funny, I used to think it was far away. Distances are much smaller to me now. For example, back home in North Van, my bicycle commute to/from work is 50 km. There was a time when I thought that 50k was a lot to commute. We stopped at a crossroads on the trail to talk a bit. A very upset French bike commuter tried to ride through us on his way to work (I guess). I'm not sure how to spell the French swear words, but he said things like...sacrament:, tabarnac, maudit Marde Co-liss, etc. I wish that I had Jean Guy (made up name) on video.  He struggled with his bike to get around us all the while swearing his head off. It was hilarious as hell to me and served as a fitting "Welcome to Quebec" ceremony. I can't say that I blame him. Ha Ha.  
Anyway the Kanata guys rode with me for a bit and parted ways as I headed into the Quebec tarmac nightmare that was Hwy 148-158. The ride was great once I left the construction and crappy pot holed areas. It was very humid which is probably why I needed to stop often for fluids. Once I rolled into Jolliette, I pretty much dialled into the first thing I saw."Chateau Jolliette".
It was a long day and they had Internet and food. Not necessarily in that order.
There was a campground 10 km back and 6 km off the highway, didn't fit my agenda.
My leisurely route out of Ottawa

HWC eyes the lovely scenery..,

Pac Man Attack !!

Perhaps a resident's form of humour or maybe a running club's incentive.
A peaceful rural bridge on route to the Jacques Cartier Bridge

No pics of the bridge cause I was in traffic...

Lovely roads ahead...

Jimmy and Stanford (made up names) from Kanata Ont.  Lads I met entering Quebec. Real keeners. I had handlebar tape like Stanford's years ago. Nice, matches his gloves too.  For Christ Sake, get some cool prescription riding shades Jimmy Neutron !!  Anyway, Ride On !! 
Funny to see the French version

Idle hands or insanity ? Funny 

And inside the house, it's strictly 1700's France 

Quebec is ahead of the pack as far as cycling goes.

Goofy logo. It's an arrow wearing a bike helmet. The arrow points out the bike route. Lots of signage for  "La Rue Verte "http://www.bonjourquebec.com/qc-en/attractions-directory/trail/la-route-verte_8504499.html  I thought about rolling through parts of it, but my overall trip is too far to meander.
Another awesome headwind translated into a visual through this flag.

OK, you know that you are in Quebec when the rest stops are decorated in this fashion. The almighty wasn't looking down on me with very much support. Unless a headwind is considered a blessing. I guess I shouldn't complain seeing as I am not on that team.

It even has an eavestrough. Nice
A fine Home. Lawn is kept well. 

A HUMOUNGUS traffic backup. Always fun to ride by 

I hit this branch. It hooked the rear pannier and almost caused a nasty crash. My Arkel Panniers are very tough. They stood up to the violent assault.


A welcome food break. Good fries, hold the Poutine please
Home base
A long Hot/Humid Francais ride.
Easy and scenic though

I don't need all those French words. The logo and the number says it all.
HWC however, was disappointed to not find an English translation.   

View Larger Map  A long day

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